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Colloidal Silver Characteristics

What is Colloidal Silver?
What is Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal silver is a metal colloid made of high purity, .999, charged silver nanoparticles which measure between 5nm and 100nm, and are suspended in water. The colloidal silver charged nanoparticles remain suspended due to their like-electrical charges. The charged nanoparticles of silver or cations (positive charged ions), refract light so that the whole solution will take on a certain color and stay that way. The color it acquires varies from light amber to cherry, glowing when light is shined behind it or underneath the colloid. This is what we call the Tyndall effect.


Our colloidal charged nanoparticles of silver are manufactured using an electrolytic method, which keeps the size of the particles within 5 nm to 100 nm, ensuring their safety and effectiveness (a smaller particles means more surface reacting area), thus preventing any known side effects even when large quantities are used.


Colloidal silver is quite stable even in the presence of salts and of normal constituents of the blood. It does not react to organic stimuli, it is resistant to the action of dilute acids and alkalies of the stomach, and consequently continues its catalytic action and passes into the intestines unchanged.  As a result it can be administered topically and orally.


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The Tyndall Effect
The Tyndall Effect

John Tyndall was best known for his study of light scattering (the Tyndall effect), observed when a light was shined through a specific type of liquid suspension. In his work, Tyndall noted that some liquid suspensions scattered the light when a light was shined through them, so they seemed to glow. He also noted that many suspensions didn't scatter the light. The light passed through without any visible effect. As he documented which suspensions scattered and which did not, a pattern began to emerge. In time, he determined there was a narrow band of suspensions in which light was scattered. These suspensions that scattered the light are known as COLLOIDS.


Thus, today, a normal test for determining whether a silver suspension has any colloidal characteristics is to shine a light through the suspension and determine whether the light is scattered. If the light is scattered at all, it exhibits the Tyndall effect and will be classified as a silver colloid. If the light is not scattered in any way, then it will not be considered a silver colloid. After identifying whether the suspension exhibits any Tyndall effect, the next step is to determine how strong the Tyndall effect is. A weak Tyndall effect suggests that only a small part of the silver suspension is colloidal. The stronger the Tyndall effect, the more the silver suspension is colloidal. Some colloids exhibit such a profound Tyndall effect, even normal room lighting is adequate to observe the effect described in the previous paragraph. In such cases the silver suspension is likely almost entirely colloidal. We call such suspensions, Super-Tyndall colloids. Such colloids are considered the highest quality.


You do not need a laser to see the tyndall effect. Simply grab a flashlight or take the colloidal silver under some sun rays and soon you will see the tyndall effect in the same way dust lets you see light. This is the easiest quality test you can perform to test your colloidal silver.


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Super Tyndall Effect Colloidal Ionic Nano Silver Ions
Colloidal Silver Color
Colloidal Silver Color

At least four primary influences are working together which give true colloids of silver their color: 



Since the nanoparticles in true colloidal silver are uniformly electrically charged, the colloidal nanoparticles of silver tend to orient themselves into a kind of liquid crystalline structure. The particles orient themselves 3-dimensionally to get as far away from each other as possible (like-electrical charges repel).


Silver Concentration

Usually measured in parts per million (ppm). The higher the ppm the more intense the color of the colloidal silver will be. Lower ppm concentrations have a light amber color; as the ppm gets higher the concentration changes color to a cherry like color under normal room lighting, and glow when the light is shined behind it.






Particle Size

Depending on the size of the colloidal nanoparticles of silver present in the colloid it will look a certain color. Smaller colloidal nanoparticles of silver will show as a lighter color, larger colloidal nanoparticles of silver will increase the intensity of the color from amber to a greenish red and will make the solution appear cloudy.






Light Angle

Not only does the color change as the angle of the light changes, so does the level of transparency. When the light is directly behind the colloidal silver solution relative to the observer, the colloidal silver will look completely transparent. The intensity of the color is also highest at this time. As the angle of the light moves right or left, up or down, the color becomes noticeably lighter and the colloidal silver becomes more and more translucent (cloudy). The change of color/transparency can appear as bands of light or as the whole thing, depending upon how focused the light is. The name of this unique characteristic of colloidal suspensions is known as the Tyndall effect.

nano colloidal silver ions colors characteristics
nano colloidal silver ions colors characteristics
The Super Tyndall Effect
The Super Tyndall Effect

The Super Tyndall Effect is the term used by Doctor Peter L. Reynolds to describe this change in color and intensity of our charged nanoparticles of silver or colloidal silver, when the angle of the light changes. It is like nothing you have ever seen before.

Silver Nanoparticles Size
Silver Nanoparticles' Size

There has been a lot of confusion about charged nanoparticles of silver colloidal in size. Probably, the most confusing concept has been the difference between colloidal silver (amber to cherry color) and molecular silver (colorless). So, lets review the facts about these two suspensions. 


The lower particle size limit for colloids is 5 nm. Generally, 5 nm is larger than the upper particle size limit for molecular suspensions. Thus, molecular suspension particles are smaller than 5 nm while colloidal particles are larger. Colloidal particles measure between 5 nm and 100 nm in size. So if a manufacturer claims to make colloidal silver but the particles are outside the colloidal limits, then they are making something else.


Colloidal silver nanoparticles need to be within the colloidal limits of 5 nm and 100 nm. When they fall within these limits the colloidal silver also has the color characteristics mentioned above.

Silver Ions
Silver Ions

Another misconception still used to market colloidal silver is the concept of ionic silver. Some will say their nanoparticles of silver are colloidal, not ionic. Others claim to make particles not ions. What is meant by the term, ionic? Ionic simply means the nanoparticles are electrically charged. When nanoparticles of silver are electrically charged they form cations (positively charged ions).

Metal colloids such as colloidal silver remain suspended thanks to the same charge all the nanoparticles have, which makes them repel each other.

According to research and studies, silver cations (positive ions) are the ones known to have the strongest germicidal properties because of their charged nature.

Molecular Suspensions
Molecular Suspensions

A suspension which starts at 1 nm and gets smaller from there is not a colloid of silver at all. Instead, it is a molecular suspension. The particles of silver in a molecular suspension are so small they no longer have surface area as we commonly think of it but are molecules of silver, usually combined with some other element(s). Such molecular suspensions of silver are so effective, they not only kill a wider range of organisms, they also cause damage to the cells in your body, causing a silver toxemia.


Such molecular suspensions are colorless. The reason molecular suspensions are colorless is the way the particles reflect light. The particles are so small the wave length of light reflected from them is invisible to the naked eye. Thus, the suspension appears to be colorless. So, a colorless "colloidal silver" is probably primarily a molecular suspension. Molecular suspensions of silver are usually quite toxic. (see picture below for a comparison between a suspension of charged nanoparticles of silver colloidal in size and a molecular suspension with nanoparticles smaller than a colloidal suspension).

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

nano colloidal silver ions colors characteristics super tyndall effect

Picture 1 Shows colloidal nano-silver with a silver concentration of 100 ppm. Picture 2 shows colloidal nano-silver concentration of 15 ppm (lemonade color) and 600 ppm (orange color). Picture 3 shows a comparison between 15ppm of our colloidal nano-silver and 240 ppm of a Molecular Silver (Clear colloidal nano silver); the tyndall effect can be seen in a colloidal solution even with low ppm.  Picture 4 shows molecular silver with a 240 ppm silver particle concentration and a very weak Tyndall effect.

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